Author: Klara-Maeve O'Reilly

‘Of Looseness and Depravity’ – Contextualising Magdalene Asylums

Why was the Seán Mc Dermott St Magdalene asylum – which contained also a Magdalene Laundry – located where it was? And how does this placing relate to discourses on Irish women in the city? The article offers an introduction to the historical context of the Magdalene Laundries in nineteenth and early twentieth century Ireland.

Digging, uncovering, unearthing: Activist and academic approaches to Irish Magdalene Laundries

How did aspects of gender, faith and class interplay in Ireland’s Magdalen Laundries? And which position do they occupy in Irish discourse today? The article charts both activist and academic approaches to the Magdalen Laundries in the past decades, and how aspects of gender, faith and class interplayed in them.

Introducing the UrbRel glossary

In January 2022, the UrbRel group was successfully evaluted by the German Research Foundation (DFG). As a result, we will continue to work for a second funding phase. Until 2026, We will further develop and apply the UrbRel research programme, exploring the mutual formation of religion and urbanity as a fruitful perspective for the history of religion and urban history. The UrbRel glossary recapitulates reflections and theoretical tools from our discussions of the past years.

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