2023 Annual Conference: Ambivalences of Religion

The 2023 annual conference of the “Urbanity and Religion” group at Erfurt University will take place from 15 to 17 November in Erfurt. For this conference, the organisiers, Elisa Iori and Jörg Rüpke, set out from an observation of a number of constitutive tensions observed for urbanity which might be summarised as “urban ambivalences”. The concept of ambivalence – in difference to diffusionism, historical dialectics, development, or progress – takes a synchronic stance and observes tensions and contradictions. It stresses conflict and constitutive ambiguity, bi-polar orders, bi-valence at any given moment. The opposition in a religious or urban ambivalence is neither dissolved in good and bad religion, good and bad urbanity. Nor are such ambivalences seen as ephemeral and transitory. Both religion and urbanity can be described by ambivalences.
Aiming at sharpening and perfecting a heuristic grid for the study of the mutual formation of religion and urbanity (Christ et al. 2022), the focus of the conference lies with concepts of religion that address material, socio-spatial, temporal, and power-related issues with a view on religious complexity in general and religious ambivalences in particular. The ultimate aim is to better grasp the entanglement between religion and urbanity and the ways urban and religious practices and ideas can change through the interferences of these internal tensions. With this in mind, the annual conference aims at bringing together theoretically minded scholars of Religious Studies and History of Religion who share an interest in integrating the notion of urbanity and its complexity into their theorising.
For further information, also on how to participate, please consult the Concept Note below:
Update: The programme has now been published.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
urbrel (April 5, 2023). 2023 Annual Conference: Ambivalences of Religion. Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/v3g0
My Warmest Greetings to all of you. Hoping, all of you are fine with
your humanitarian activities for a peaceful world
I Just come to know your International The 2023 annual conference of the “Urbanity and Religion” group at Erfurt University will take place from 15 to 17 November in Erfurt.
I am very interested to attend the program
Presently i am a Buddhist Monk from Santiniketan Ambedkar Buddhist
Welfare Mission in India
Hopefully, I will make the opportunity to attend the Program and give
me chance to Attend As Buddhist Monk Participates
Wish,i will hear you very soon.
Holy Triple Gem will make your life safe and peaceful for the
betterment of the Global
With Loving Kindness
Ashish Shee
Santiniketan Ambedkar Buddhist Welfare Mission
Sonajurri Pally ,Santiniketan,Birbhum-731235
West Bengal