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Conference Report: Co-spatiality: Changing rules of double use, excluding, inviting, imagining

For three years, the Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations“ has organized an annual conference focusing on theoretical questions. In general, the research group examines from an interdisciplinary perspective how urbanity and religion influenced each other. During our most recent conference, the participants were invited to use a spatial approach to the research question. By doing so, the conference was part of a current trend in social geography, spatial sociology and (pre)modern history to investigate urban space.

The KFG’s PhD student, Simone Wagner, has written a report on this conference on “Co-spatiality”. The report gives brief summaries of the papers, which dealt with the notion of co-spatiality from a variety of angles and in a cross-temporal and inter-disciplinary way. You can read the report here.

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urbrel (February 17, 2021). Conference Report: Co-spatiality: Changing rules of double use, excluding, inviting, imagining. Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

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