Conference report: Urban Co-Temporality
The report by Zahra Naghshband (University of Erfurt) on the 2024 international conference “Urban Co-Temporality: Historical and Theoretical approaches”, organised by the “Religion and Urbanity” research group and the Erfurter RaumZeit Forschung, has now been published on H-Soz-Kult. You can access the full version by following this link:
Naghsband points out that
in the pursuit of an analytical framework to unravel the intricacies of urban life concerning asynchronicity, temporal regimes, and conflicting rhythms, scholars across various disciplines share a common concern. The conference introduces the concept of co-temporality as a novel analytical term to comprehend the complexity of “time” in urban life.
and also
The final discussion involved a reflection on presenters’ utilization of the concept of co-temporality. It commenced with a critical examination of the use of “layers of time,” stressing the need to explore the connection between these layers rather than treating them as simple, isolated entities. The benefit of concepts like co-spatiality and co-temporality should be to depict the complexity of social phenomena without oversimplifying it only into discrete layers. However, some participants pointed out that layers, such as spatial and material ones, function as metaphors and facilitate discussions about co-temporality. The layers of time, analogous to the usage of meso-level and macro-level terms in sociology, could function as methodological terms.
Zahra Naghshband, Tagungsbericht: Urban Co-Temporality: Historical and Theoretical Approaches, In: H-Soz-Kult, 04.04.2024, <>.
See below for background information on the concept of co-temporality and the conference in February 2024.
Title image: Clockmaker in Mumbai by Susanne Rau
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urbrel (April 11, 2024). Conference report: Urban Co-Temporality. Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from